Includes 30 Days Diet Chart With 150+

Diabetic Friendly Recipes With Preparation Methods


PRINTABLE Diabetic Diet Chart


Now Get This Amazing Diabetic Patients Diet Plan Worth ₹ 999 FOR FREE

Following Proper Diet Can Help You Have A Better Control Over Your Diabetes Up to 33%! YES! YOU READ IT RIGHT...

Presenting You Downloadable and Printable Diabetic Food Chart

(With Recipes & Preparation Methods)

Diabetes Diet Chart

"Good Food is a Wise Medicine"

Quality of Food is more important than quantity, especially for a diabetic. A diabetes diet is nothing but eating healthy foods in moderate amounts. Always be aware of What, When & How to eat.

With the experience of 30+ Years in the field of diabetes management, Sugar Knocker introduces you to a complete guide for food that you can incorporate into your routine. Find better control over your sugar levels with food.

What is Included In This Printable Diabetic Diet Chart?

  • 30+ Days Balanced Diet Chart with Exercises

  • 30+ Diabetic Friendly Breakfast Recipes

  • 30+ Diabetic Friendly Snacks Recipes

  • 30+ Diabetic Friendly Lunch Recipes

  • 30+ Diabetic Friendly Dinner Recipes

  • List of Fruits & Vegetables for Diabetics

  • List of Foods to Avoid for Diabetics

  • Healthy Plant Based Substitutes for Routine

Printable Diabetic Diet Plan With Well researched diabetes recipes with ingredients & preparation methods, reviewed by dieticians & diabetic educators, tried by 1,22,550+ users.

Now Get This Amazing Diabetic Patients Diet Plan Worth ₹ 999 FOR FREE

It is crucial to have a healthy diet if you want to manage your diabetes effectively.

Subscribe now for the diabetes diet chart and
get lifetime updates for future recipes

Diabetes Diet Chart


  • Please be sure to provide the correct email address and mobile number

  • The Diabetes Diet chart will be sent to your registered email address

  • To keep you updated, we will notify you on whatsapp

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Feed Your Brain To Find Healthy You!

Food to eat is the main concern for any person with diabetes. Especially when it comes to Indian Food for Diabetes. Here people often think that they do not have that many options to eat. You don't need to worry when you have the curated, time-tested list of recipes that is helping 1000s of diabetics!

Signup with Your Contact Details

Provide your basic details so that we can share you the diet chart. Your information is safe with us. We will not sell data.

Download and Read

Once you provide the information, we will send you the diet chart. Too much information will be confusing. We do not overload you by giving all at a time; instead, we will provide you phase by phase.

Prepare with Love

Your food will serve as medicine. Choose the recipes according to your desire. Keep all the ingredients ready and start preparing with love and affection.

Enjoy with Delight

Enjoy the delight with family and friends with no worries. The recipes that you are preparing are not only tasty but also non-diabetic.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear" - Buddha

Free Printable Diabetic Food Chart

The beginner's guide towards healthy food habits. Get Your Healthy & Safe Diet Chart from Experts. Get Future Updates of Recipes for FREE!

Now Get This Amazing Diabetic Diet Chart Worth ₹ 999 FOR FREE

Printable Diabetic Food Chart / Printable Diabetic Diet with Recipes and Preparation Methods.

Get Access to Sugar Knocker's Diabetes Diet Chart Program
& Future Recipes For FREE.

Breakfast Recipes

Lunch Recipes

Diner Recipes

Snack Recipes

Healthy Recipes

Fruits & Vegetables

Well researched, recommended by dieticians, tried by 1,22,550+ users,
helping 1000s of diabetics across the globe.

The famous quote by Greek physician Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has stood the test of time.

Why Subscribe for Sugar Knocker's Diet Chart Program?

Well Researched Diabetic Friendly Recipes

Recipes Reviewed By Diabetic Educators

Future Recipes Updates Are Included For Free

12,560+ Active Users In The List

Dedicated Team For Recipes Curation

Detailed Recipes, Ingredients To Methods

Get a Curated, Time Tested List of 30+ Diabetic Friendly Recipes Especially Suited For Indian Kitchen, Put a Step Towards To Keep Your Sugar Levels In Control, Just with Quality Food!

What Users Has to Say About this Diet Chart

"I am using this diet chart, preparing most of the recipes which are suggested by Sugar Knocker's team, finding great results without compromising the taste. I hesitantly signed up, but today I tell proudly recommend this diet chart. My PPBS was 280mgdl, currently, my PPBS is 120 mgdl."


"Loved all recipes, tried at least 20+ breakfast, 10+ lunch recipes, 10+ dinner recipes. After a month, found that my sugar levels are coming down to 120mg/dl. Where was it to be around 220mg/dl with medicines...

The good news is that I have cut down my medicines to 3. It was to be around 8+ per meal. Kudos team!!!

Satish Pai

"You are life-saving recipes, made me complete vegetarian and helped me to overcome diabetes and other lifestyle disorders to significant level. My sugar is under control, BP is absolutely normal, lost 12.5+ kgs unhealthy weight, forgot about acidity after trying your recipes for 3 months. Please continue your good work. May Allah bless you for your nobel work.

Muhammed Shafi

"You people handheld me by giving right food. You people didn't overloaded the recipes. You truely gave right information, guidance. Made my diabetic journey stress free. Appreciated Very Much & Recommended to 30+ diabetic friends in last 2 months! My good god gives the energy to help all the diabetic community.

Anthony DSouza

"Feeling so light after trying your diet recommendations, that too in so many variations. Why I am feeling so light because, I have lost 10+ KGs in 4 months, my sugar levels are in control. Even paid dietitian with their diet chart didn't do this much of miracles"

Harihara Shambu Hegde

"I was fed up with 1000s of recipes, was confused which one to follow. Most of them were too complex, difficult to prepare, even some required modern microwave ovens, etc which most of the middle-class families couldn't afford/don't have. Such simple recipes, with detailed procedures, made me happy. cheers!"


"So much of Indian Diet Recipes, Unbelievable. With 30+ recipes for Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, even if we try 1-1 combination, it will be recipes that will serve for 180+ days. And what I found is they are easy to prepare and diabetes-friendly. Good Work team!

Raam Kumar P

Incredible, Simple, To the point and Most Important, More powerful, Cost effective recipes.


Well researched, reviewed & recommended by dieticians & diabetic educators, tried by 2,22,550+ users.

What Users Has to Say About this Diet Chart

Always sugar level was 250-300, once i started this diet, it came to 160 within days. Try to avoid meat/ milk/ heavy meals as suggested in the diet, Seeing the result in my case I have recommended it to few relatives and friends too. Those who couldn't follow their instructions on the diet, it didn't give any result, even though the slight changes itself could brought the sugar level down, few of them couldn't continue due to their food habits . You do need to make some changes in your diet to lead a better life without worrying about diabetes. If you are prediabetic it may help you reverse your sugar level to normal.

Himanshu Sasthi

I am a pre diabetic. Had a history of 7.0 in the beginning. Have not taken any medicine so far. When I was looking for natural ways to control my diabetes, I found this Diet chart from Sugar knocker. It worked like a magic. I followed it for 6 months and my sugar history is now 6. My doctor confirmed my sugar levels are in control and I am very grateful about it.

Shrilata Vasudev

I have been through many diet charts but was not satisfied with any other diet than the one I from sugar knocker. Initially was not sure about following this diet. I called Mr.Girish, after listening to him, I thought of giving it a try. To my surprise, within a month i was able to control my blood sugar level without any medications. I am really happy with my diet and would like to thank Mr. Girish for helping me control me diabetes.

Satish Prajapati

I have quit drinking milk and have started consuming plant base products. It has help me to control my diabetes to a high levels without any medicines. I have been following this diet chart since 5 months. I would like to suggest this diet chart to everyone with diabetes.

Anik Sabharwal

Hello I am swati from Kerala, Aged 50. I was diabetic and I got introduced to Diabetes diet chart provided by sugar knocker and I used it for 9 Months. Before following the diet and using sugar knocker , PPBS was 200+ and Now PPBS is 125. By following Diet, Physical Activities, Dosage Schedules prescribed by Sushrut Ayurved Industries, I was able to find much control over diabetes...

Swati Srivastava

My mother was diagnosed with diabetes type 1,I came across this diet chart while surfing online.I have seen a hug improvement in her. I can say this diet has help her control her diabetes to a greater level. Well, thank you for this.

Nihar Kathrada

Wonderful chart for controlling diabetes. It works very well. I have recommended it to my family and friends. It takes time, but gives you the best results. Before using Sugar Knocker and their diet chart, sugar levels were around 280mgdl, after 3-4 months of usage currently sugar levels are 90 to 120mgdl. I strongly recommend giving a try at least for 3-6 months.

Vipin Deep

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise,
we shall not be able to keep our minds strong and clear.

Get Curated, Time Tested List of 30+ Diabetic Friendly Recipes Especially Suited For Indian Kitchen, Put a Step Towards To Keep Your Sugar Levels in Check! & Get Future Updates of Recipes

Now Get This Amazing Diabetic Diet Chart Worth ₹ 999 FOR FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can people staying in India follow this diet chart? If yes then can I get the diabetes diet chart Indian version?

A: Yes, the diet chart is made for a Indian and you can get them by downloading them from above.

Q: Can a person with type 2 diabetes consume these foods?

A: Yes, a person with type 2 diabetes can eat these foods.

Q: I am 60 years old, Can I get only a type 2 diabetes diet chart that suits a 60-year-old person?

A: This diet chart suits for all age

Q: What diet is good for diabetes? Is it fruits or common foods which we eat on daily basis?

A: To know the food which are good for diabetic person you can download our free recipes mentioned above. We have fruits and daily bases food recipes in our diet plan.

Q: I am 50 years old, I have followed many diabetes diet charts before but I did not get segregated recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. Will I be able to get segregated recipes?

A: Yes, we have different sections for breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.

Q: My father is a diabetic for the past 5 years. He is trying to balance his blood sugar levels with his diet. Can he follow this sugar patient diet chart?

A: Yes, he can follow our diabetes diet chart.

Q: I need a diet chart for diabetic patient pdf for my daily to control my diabetes, can I get it?

A: Yes, you can subscribe for free and download the diabetes diet chart.

Q: My mom is on insulin and doesn’t have a proper diet. The daily food chart for diabetic patients is not easy to prepare. Can I get small recipes that are healthy and quick to prepare for breakfast?

A: Yes, all our breakfast recipes are easy and quick to prepare.

Q: Can I get a printable diabetic food chart?

A: Yes you can subscribe and download the PDF and take the printout. Get it laminated so that it comes for a long time.

Q: Can I get a clear image of what a diabetes patient should eat and what to avoid?

A: Yes, you can follow our diabetes diet plan.

Q: Please can you prescribe a proper diet for my mother? Is the diabetic patient diet plan different for women and men?

A: No, both men and women can follow our diet. This would be a proper diabetes diet chart for your mother.

Q: Can I get a clear image of what a diabetes patient should eat and what to avoid?

A: All our recipes have plant based products. Yes you can will get the foods which can help you in maintaining your weight.

Q: Can I get a clear image of what a diabetes patient should eat and what to avoid?

A: All our recipes have plant based products. Yes you can will get the foods which can help you in maintaining your weight.

Q: I am a vegetarian. I want a diabetes diet chart that includes only plant-based products. I also want to maintain my weight, with a proper diabetic diet plan, I would like to get some instructions about exercise. Can I get it?

A: Yes we can guide you with a diabetes diet chart and exercises for a diabetic person. You can download our diet chart above and reach our support via email for exercises.

Q: I am a diabetic person can I eat fruits like bananas and mango? Will this diabetic diet chart have a list of fruits that a diabetic person can eat?

A: Yes, you can eat bananas and mango and yes this diet chart includes fruits juices, and list of fruits to consume

Q: My mother loved eating snacks in the evening. She recently got diabetes, she is concerned about her food nowadays. So can I get some recipes for snacks which can be healthy as well as tasty for my mother?

A: Yes, it’s in our snacks section for diabetic diet chart.

Q: I am a vegetarian, will this diet chart suits me?

A: Yes, we provide vegetarian diet chart. It suits for all, including diabetes

Q: I am not a diabetic, can I use this diet chart?

A: Yes, definitely. Good thing you are doing. A non diabetic can also use this diet chart.

Q: I am a non vegetarian, I cannot find any non vegetarian recipes

A: Human body is made to digest vegan foods, fruits, vegetables. Suppose if you keep starving for 3 days and if you found 2 bowls, one with fruits, one with raw meat, which one you will choose? Being vegan helps you in many ways, from digestion to nutrition, from active health to good sleep.

Q: Can I incorporate non vegetarian foods along with this?

It is up to you, we leave this to person's conciousness.

Q: Can I share with my family / friends?

Yes, of course. Being a well wisher of your family / friends doesn't stop you from sharing good information. It would be great if they subscribe, they will get additional benefit of future updates as well. Feel free to share it with family and friends.

Q: I have downloaded but unable to follow the diet chart

Don't worry, it is a common human tendency. To change some of the habits takes time. Try substantially and do it consciously, slowly you will be able to incorporate a healthy habit.

Q: I lost the copy of the diet chart, where I can get again

We have got you covered, please contact our support team on

Q: I am 24 years, can I use this diet chart?

It suits for all age group, without any hesitation please use. You have taken a right step at young age!

Q: I am 89 years, I am finding it difficult to follow

Sir, Don't worry. As per your capacity, please try bringing small change in your diet, it will definitely help.

Q: Can I take Printout of This and Use at home?

Yes ma'am. You can take hardcopy / printout of this and keep it in your kitchen. Laminate it and make it as a booklet so that you can use it for longer duration & time.

Q: Can I Get any support from you in regulating blood glucose

Yes, for sure. We will be able to guide you and support throughout the journey. Please reach us on 8105784545 or

Subscribe Today To Get This Amazing Diabetic Diet Chart Worth ₹ 999 For Free & Receive Future Updates On Recipes



The individual results may vary from person to person.This information is intended to help the readers be better-informed consumers of health
care. It is presented as general advice on health care. Always consult your doctor for your individual needs. You can consult a nutritionist/dietitian to get yourself a proper calorie deficit plan.

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